Event | |
Date | 2023-04-03 |
Asteroid | (134749) 2000 BT24 |
Star | UCAC4 654-027303 |
Asteroid magnitude | 19.86m |
Star magnitude | 13.79m / 13.79m / 13.77m (¹) |
Combined magnitude | 13.79m / 13.79m / 13.76m (¹) |
Expected drop | 6.07m / 6.07m / 3.92m (¹) |
Expected time | 22:47:36 UT ± 4.11 s |
Expected duration | 0.96 s |
1-σ path width error | 3.65 |
Star RUWE | 1.05 |
Station | |
Observer | Anna Marciniak |
Latitude | 052 36 14.0 |
Longitude | 016 02 33.4 |
Altitude | 65 m |
Geodetic system | WGS84 |
Nearest city | Sierakow |
Result | |
Overal result | Negative |
Start observation | 22:46:32 UT |
End observation | 22:49:46 UT |
Technical data | |
Telescope | SCT 35/185 [cm] |
Camera | Andor Zyla 5.5 with sCMOS sensor |
Exposure | 0.32 s |
Observation method | Sequential images |
Time source | GPS |
Signal noise ratio | 5 |
Wind | 2 B |
Temperature | 4°C |
Transparency | Broken opaque cloud [this is, observed thru gaps in the cloud] |
Seeing | Steady |
Additional information | |
Comment | Probability: 10%. |
Annotations | class: Trojan |
SODIS | View report (requires account) |
OWC | View more details |
Last modified | 2023-04-06 06:54:11 |
(¹) Pobliska gwiazda wpływa na obserwację. Tabela zawiera wartość oryginalną oraz dla apertur odpowiednio 4 i 8 sekund łuku