Event | |
Date | 2023-07-03 |
Asteroid | (859) Bouzareah |
Star | G125615.2-045155 |
Asteroid magnitude | 15.99m |
Star magnitude | 8.96m / 8.96m / 7.01m (¹) |
Combined magnitude | 8.96m / 8.96m / 7.01m (¹) |
Expected drop | 7.03m / 7.03m / 0.20m (¹) |
Expected time | 20:18:47 UT ± 3.01 s |
Expected duration | 5.02 s |
1-σ path width error | 0.11 |
Star RUWE | 1.80 |
Station | |
Observer | Daniel Antuszewicz |
Latitude | 052 22 57.4 |
Longitude | 020 54 08.3 |
Altitude | 81 m |
Geodetic system | WGS84 |
Nearest city | Legionowo |
Result | |
Overal result | Negative |
Start observation | 20:17:46 UT |
End observation | 20:19:46 UT |
Technical data | |
Telescope | Dobsonian 20.3/120 [cm] |
Camera | ZWO ASI120mm |
Exposure | 0.05 s |
Observation method | Analogue & digital video |
Time source | NTP |
Signal noise ratio | |
Wind | 1 B |
Temperature | 15°C |
Transparency | Clear |
Seeing | Slight flickering |
Additional information | |
Comment | Due to its scale, the target star and the much brighter partner cannot be separated. Despite this, there is no decrease in brightness when measured with the aperture surrounding both components. |
Annotations | slow rotator, campaign: SlowRotators |
SODIS | View report (requires account) |
OWC | View more details |
Last modified | 2023-07-06 04:59:08 |
(¹) Pobliska gwiazda wpływa na obserwację. Tabela zawiera wartość oryginalną oraz dla apertur odpowiednio 4 i 8 sekund łuku